Depression is a mood disorder in which a person starts feeling sadness, anger and loneliness. It is a serious mental problem that can be treated with medicines, behavioral therapy and lifestyle improvements.

what is depression

 According to psychological experts, depression is a harmful mood disorder in which a person goes into severe sadness for several weeks and is not interested in anything. A person suffering from depression is not able to do his normal daily tasks and his nature becomes completely irritable.
In simple words, a person suffering from depression usually feels as if he has suffered some serious loss or he is living a lifeless life. Due to this feeling, he remains sad and irritable all day long.

 Types of depression

According to the severity and duration of depression, it is divided into many different types, the major ones of which are mentioned below –
Clinical depressive disorder –

This is the most severe type of depression, in which a person feels the symptoms of depression for more than two weeks. Clinical depressive disorder is also known as major depressive disorder, which can cause the following symptoms –

  • feeling sad most of the day
  • Loss of interest in daily activities
  • Increase or decrease in body weight without any reason
  • Sleeping too much or not sleeping at all
  • Weakening of thinking and understanding abilities
  • inability to make a decision
  • Recurrent thoughts of suicide or self-harm

Dysthymia – It is also known as mania and persistent depressive disorder. People suffering from dysthymia can have symptoms of depression for about 2 years. The severity of the symptoms caused by it is usually slightly less than that of major depressive disorder. However, sometimes people suffering from dysthymia can also develop symptoms of major depressive disorder for some time.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – This is a specific depression according to the weather and environment, which usually occurs in one season every year. In most cases, seasonal affective disorder occurs only in winter, the main reason for which is usually not getting enough sunlight.

Postpartum depression – It is also called postpartum depression, which usually occurs in women after delivery. Postpartum depression is usually caused by changes in hormones, which gets cured on its own. However, if it lasts for more than a month, then a doctor should be talked to about it.

Psychotic depression – This depression usually develops with symptoms of psychosis. This is a serious condition in which people start having problems like hallucinations and delusions. In hallucinations, a person sees things and hears voices that are not real. In delusions, a person creates concepts that are not true.

 symptoms of depression

Depression affects a person not only emotionally but also physically. The major symptoms of depression include the following –

  • not feeling well
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities
  • Loss of appetite
  • lack of motivation and energy
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • insomnia or excessive sleepiness
  • inability to make a decision
  • to be confused

 Causes of Depression

Depression can be caused by many different reasons, including external, internal or genetic conditions of the body. For example, the death of a close person can be an external factor that causes depression. On the other hand, having an illness is an internal cause and having someone in the family suffering from depression is a genetic cause. The following are some major conditions that can cause depression –

  • cause a sad situation
  • excessive work stress
  • Conflict in love or relationship
  • Having a history of depression in the family
  • lack of physical exercise
  • Obesity loss
  • lack of self-esteem

 Risk factors for depression

Following are some specific factors that may increase the risk of developing depression –

  • Biochemistry – Many types of chemicals are found in the brain, any change in the levels of which can cause many mental problems including depression.
  • Genetic – Depression can also develop as a genetic condition. For example, if one of the identical twins has depression, the other child has a 70 percent risk of also having the same disease.
  • Personality – Some people are mentally very sensitive or those who lack self-esteem are at a higher risk of getting depression.
  • Environmental factors – Living in dire situations such as abuse or poverty and having no hope for the situation to improve can also increase the risk of developing depression.

 Prevention of depression

Depression can be prevented by taking care of some special things –

  • Do exercise and meditation daily
  • Eat nutritious food
  • Get enough sleep
  • Keep in touch with friends

Apart from this, if you feel that you are at risk of getting depression, then you should regularly consult a good psychologist.

 Diagnosing Depression

To confirm depression, the symptoms felt by the patient are first examined. During diagnosis, the doctor checks when the symptoms are occurring in the patient and for how long they last. Apart from this, other tests are done, with the help of which the cause of depression is found out so that the proper treatment process can be started.

 Depression Treatment

Depression is treated primarily according to the severity of the disease and its cause. Depression can usually be treated with the following treatment systems –

  • Pharmacotherapy – In this, the patient is given many medicines including antidepressants, which help in controlling the symptoms. With the help of these medicines, brain chemicals are brought back to normal levels, which helps in reducing brain symptoms.
  • Psychotherapy – In this treatment process, trained counselors talk to the patient and find out the cause of the problem and the appropriate treatment for it. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also used in this, in which the patient’s thinking, understanding, decision making and emotions are examined.

Brain Stimulating Therapy:

In this, the brain is exposed to magnetic or electrical waves with the help of special equipment, with the help of which certain specific impulses of the brain are activated or deactivated.

Essential Tips for Maintaining Good Health

For good health, get regular check-ups, eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and exercise regularly. Ensure adequate sleep, manage stress, avoid smoking, limit alcohol, and maintain a healthy weight. Practice good hygiene, stay informed, keep vaccinations up-to-date, and maintain social connections. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice tailored to your specific health needs.

Conclusion: Always consult with your doctor or a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes for depression. They can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history and current health status.

Note- If you have any health-related concerns, please call us at +91-9058577992 to receive free consultation from our experienced doctors. Thank you.

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