Natural Remedies For Curing Leucoderma

Leucol Plus is an herbal remedy for re-pigmentation in Leucoderma. It is the most effective herbal remedy for this purpose with a reorder rate of above 45%*. The remedy has helped thousands of people with varying racial and ethnic backgrounds in attaining their normal complexion.

  • No Side effects
  • No harsh, irritating agents
  • Easy Treatment with no necessary supplements
  • Quick, permanent return of normal complexion
  • No steroids
  • Natural ingredients

Leucol Plus is a traditional herbal formulation which has been refined at the Hashmi Ayurvedic Cures Although the history of its curative success spreads over centuries, the refined commercial preparation has again been formally tested.The feedback of customers from all over the world depicts good success rates. The feedback also suggests that the success is not significantly affected by complexion, racial, ethnic or geographical factors.

It is effective both in disease of recent onset as well as long standing established cases. Success has been documented in cases with disease as old as quarter of a century.

Factors affecting speed of re-pigmentation :

The benefits may be visible in a fortnight in quick responders, but generally it takes 2-6 months. The process is faster in disease of recent onset and slower if the disease is longstanding. Another factor that affects the rate of pigmentation is the site of involvement. The process is faster if the disease affects face, neck, chest, abdomen, upper arms, thighs, inguinal and perianal regions. It is generally slow in case of hands, forearms, feet and calves, where it may take as long as six months to be visible.

It has also been observed that the process of healing is faster in people with a darker complexion than fairer individuals.

Instructions for use

Clean the affected area with plain water and towel it dry. Now apply the Leucol Plus Cream on the affected skin and gently massage it with your finger tips till is absorbed into the skin.

Application of the Leucol Plus Cream is to be carried out every 24 hours (conveniently before retiring to bed) through out the entire period of treatment. The Leucol Plus Cream should not be washed earlier than 6 hours for optimal advantage. The duration can be extended up to but not more than 12 hours. If the Leucol Plus Cream has to be washed earlier than 6 hours for any pressing reason, the patient can switch to a twice daily schedule.

While using Leucol Plus Cream, punctuality and regularity is mandatory. The Leucol Plus Cream should be applied at the same hour of the day, and duration of application should not vary significantly.

Leucol Plus Cream goes thick at temperatures below 15C/59F but resumes normal consistency by warming in hot water.

Precautions :

The sun exposure should be increased gradually starting from a few minutes initially. We recommend that people with highly sensitive skin or previous history of allergic propensity should apply the cream on cosmetically less important small area for a few days before they start using on face and hands. Direct sun light is best avoided in such individuals.

Leucol Plus Cream is a refinement of a traditional recipe and it is traditionally recommended that you should avoid consuming highly antigenic material like fish, meat and eggs.

Consolidation of treatment :

Once the normal complexion of affected parts has been restored, it is highly desirable that the treatment should continue for an additional period of 45-60 days. This consolidation phase of the treatment is required because the initial recovery may not be as complete as it seems. There may still be tiny unhealed areas of disease.


The remedy is made from following herbals substances.

Main Herbal Combinations Used In Leucol Plus Herbal Cream Are :

Ingredients quantity
Psoralea corylifolia 10 mg
Carthamus tinctorius 3.0 mg
Casia tora 3.0 mg
Ocimum sanctum 3.0 mg
Sapindus mukorossi 3.0 mg
Psoralea corylifolia 3.0 mg
Plumbago zeylancia 105 mg
Sesamum indicum 1.5 mg
Melia azadirachta 1.5 mg
Ricinus communis 1 mg
Helianthus annus 1 mg
Curcuma Longa 1 mg
Purified Sulphur 1.5 mg
Purified Sulphur 866 mg

How long will it be before I see Leucol Plus Cream results?

Generally the first signs of new coloring begin to appear within the first month of daily application of the cream combined with sunlight exposure. When artificial UV light is used, the first signs of repigmentation may take longer to appear as these treatments initially need a period of time in which the dose is very slowly increased. When depigmentation occurs on hands and feet it may take up to three months or even more before showing the first signs of repigmentation.

How will I know that the cream is working?
Not everybody will see the same type of response. It may occur in any of the following ways :
New colour starts from the borders of the spots towards the inside.
Small dots of colour inside the spot appear and then begin to expand until they cover the spots.
The entire spot may change colour starting with pink, then light brown and finally the normal colour.
Finally, it is possible to observe a combination of all or any of the above.

How long will the results last?

Results are permanent. It is not possible to predict if new areas of depigmentation may appear as it depends on the underlying skin condition. The early use of the cream would provide optimal results in case of new depigmentation.

How long will I have to use Leucol Plus Cream?

Typically, either complete results or substantial improvement are obtained within six months.

Do some areas of the skin respond to Leucol Plus Cream faster than others?

Spots in the face,neck, chest, abdomen, inguinal, and perianal regions, and legs response faster. Depigmentation on the hands and feet take longer. The tip of the fingers is particularly difficult. In cases where the condition has been evident for many years, response to depigmentation treatment with a duration of many years, response to repigmentation treatment in the hands and feet may be slower.

What should I do if I get new spots in other parts of my body?

Start applying Leucol Plus Cream as soon as possible, the earlier you use it, the sooner you get results.

How long do I leave Leucol Plus Cream on the white spots?

Do not wash the treated area for at least 2 hours. Leucol Plus Cream dries quickly so it does not represent any inconvenience. Leaving Leucol Plus Cream on the treated areas should cause no discomfort.

How often should I use the cream?
Twice a day.

Leucol Plus Cream is Herbal skin preparation for topical use. There are virtually no side-effects associated with its use. It can be added to any appropriate schedule of light treatment. Once a schedule is defined, adding Leucol Plus Cream is straightforward.


Regular use of the cream and light exposure is of the essence. Repigmentation is a gradual process. Consistency is the key to success.

Three aspects need to work together in order to obtain positive results :

  • Leucol Plus Cream
  • Regular daily use.
  • An appropriate schedule of light treatment: either sunlight exposure or an artificial source of Ultraviolet Light.

Points to remember:
In every case apply Leucol Plus Cream twice a day.
Have light exposure only once a day for 30 minutes (or 15 minutes twice a day) depending on what schedule is more convenient for you. Don’t wash it for 2 hours.

Apply Leucol Plus Cream right before having your light exposure time.

What kind of white spot skin problems will benefit from Leucol Plus Cream?
Leucol Plus Cream helps the pigmentation system of the skin work naturally so that the skin may regain its normal, natural colour. It will help in most cases of skin discolorations from light white spots to achromias (total loss of pigmentation). The most important cause of skin depigmentation is Vitiligo.

When should I begin using Leucol Plus Cream?
As soon as white spots appear, for the best results.
If I feel a mild itching in the treated areas, should I stop using Leucol Plus Cream?

No. Some people feel an itching sensation right before pigmentation begins. It may be likened to the sensation experienced when a wound is healing.

Will Leucol Plus Cream irritate very sensitive skin?
No, it does not irritate or harm the skin.
Does the use of Leucol Plus Cream produce any harmful side effects?
No. This product has been developed from natural sources and contains no harmful substances or irritants. It will not harm your skin. It has no side effects.

What does Leucol Plus Cream do?
It helps control the microscopic inflammatory skin process that leads to depigmentation and stimulate melanocytes to produce melanin. It helps the skin to regain its normal colour by naturally stimulating the pigmentation process, enhancing the capacity of the skin melanocytes to respond to sunlight (or artificial ultraviolet light) without the side-effects of other products.

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Herbal Treatment for repigmentation of Leucoderma

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