“Pomegranate peel has no side effects, but if you are allergic to it, consult a specialist before applying it to your skin”, says Dr Chanchal Sharma.

Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Peel

You must be aware of the benefits of pomegranate, but do you know what the health benefits of pomegranate peel are? Yes, you have heard it right. Generally, people think that pomegranate peels are useless for them, and they throw them in the trash after eating the fruit. However, various studies have proved that you can use pomegranate peels for skin, cancer treatment, or other health conditions. Pomegranate peels cannot be eaten directly, but you can prepare their paste and then use it.

Prevents The Risk Of Chronic Disease

Pomegranate peels can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart-related diseases. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help cure these chronic diseases.  

Prevents The Risk Of Chronic Disease

Pomegranate peels can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart-related diseases. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help cure these chronic diseases.  

Boost The Function Of Your Brain

Pomegranate peels have antioxidant properties that help improve your brain’s function among people with oxidative stress, like patients with memory issues.

Improve The Condition Of Your Skin

Due to antioxidants, pomegranate peels help treat dark patches on the skin. It can protect you from UV rays

Treats Teeth Gum Diseases And Prevents The Risk Of Cancer

Due to polyphenols, pomegranate peels may cure oral and breast cancer. Pomegranate peels help treat teeth and gum diseases due to their antibacterial properties.

Methods To Use Pomegranate Peel

It can be prepared at home by following these steps: Collect the peels of pomegranate fruit after using it. Try to dry it for 2–3 days under direct sunlight and let it dry completely. Store the powder in an airtight container. Your powder is ready to use as a face mask or tea. 

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